Dan was a phenomenal contributor to both WANDERLUST and PURE. On WANDERLUST he edited high-calibre assemblies as well as meaningful and important sequences for the final cut of the show, including a significant prologue to one of the episodes. The prologue took the form of an extended and unconventional recap of the whole series prior to episode 5. It was the only recap we had in the series. Dan delivered a beautifully crafted stand-alone piece of work which successfully accentuated the protagonist’s state of mind before going into a two-handed episode. Dan accomplished this without veering from the show’s bold style and tone.

Throughout the edit, Dan stepped up to the plate and took the load off the editor at various points, including as assembly editor as aforementioned, and in his work on the episode 1 title sequence. Dan is also extremely talented at the hugely difficult art of cutting trailers. He was so fantastic to work with that I leant heavily on him during the complicated editing process of PURE for which he edited the final episode as his first solo TV series editing job. He is both a brilliant collaborator and someone with huge vision. He is deeply empathetic, as well as being witty and smart.

Dan is someone to be very excited about as he emerges into the industry as a very gifted editor. From my time working with him, it is clear that he is incredibly dedicated, juggling conflicting commitments with ease and working around the clock.
— Roanna Benn | Drama Republic | Exec Producer | Pure / Wanderlust | 2019